Hi, Greetings ...
Greetings to all blog readers easyandquickavon.blogspot. Hmm, too long not to speak, somehow today I feel pleased to speak .. How beautiful this life if able to express what we feels to a man that being faithful listeners. Ahaha .. Means here, you all are my faithful listeners? lol .. Thank you everyone ...
When you call about beauty, what we always imagined? Hmm, 1) beauty appearance. right? 2) Others beauty as examples of personal beauty, temperament, character, language and so on. Whatever you all imagine, it is referring to the meaning of "Beautiful" ...
Beauty is too universal to be formulated but is very fun to talk about. If the mention of the appearance of beauty, in my opinion, everyone is beautiful. Because everyone although sometimes people say "white" is more interesting, but there is also a "black sweet" but captivating. Sometimes people say, "high" is beautiful, but there is also a "low" was cute. Actually, for my point of view, each individual has a pair of eyes and a mind to observe, evaluate and interpret the person he sees.
Some people look beautiful when attached to a person's behavior. As an example of a girl who is said to be pretty gentle eyes due to its pleasant looking. While a girl is said to be pretty rough because it is not gentle. However, as we all know. It's pretty different when interpreted. Sometimes, our hearts admit that he is a very beautiful. But not happy with his personal view, we do not recognize her beauty and says otherwise. Such things always happen through "perceptions at first sight".
But what is most important, outward beauty alone is not enough. Expend another divine creation with our personal beauty. Then it is called a real beauty, inside and out. But, if there is a feel that is less perfect and beautiful, change thoughts like that and do not ever insult the divine creation .. Indeed we have been since time immemorial beautiful created by the divine .. Whatever shortcomings we feel, is because of "imperfections" that God created the self-every person. Indeed, we are not perfect .. But we do not ever insult ourselves or others because it is like we are not "Redha" and "Thanks" to every divine grace. But it does not mean we should be proud of yourself. Enough just thankful and self-reflection. Continue our good, the bad we have to work ..

Beauty is often present along with self confidence. It is good to always look beautiful but do not exceed the limits. It should be pretty sparingly. Everyone wants to be beautiful too. But the most important apart from the beautiful is "clean". To increase self-confidence, we all must remain beautiful and clean. If you are an employee, you do not want to work with wear batik cloth worn jeans, shirts tangled, oily face, right?
Enough if you dress neatly, ironing shirt, face powder & a little rubbed lip-balm feature in the lips is enough to look confident to yourself. Body odor is the main factor that should be at the point of emphasis. Most of us will never own body odor, but friends are sitting close to us to be aware that our body odor. Therefore, use deodorant Avon using lemon extract is apt to prevent body odor. As everyone aware, lime to eliminate dirt and impurities of body odor. When you use it, you will stay fresh until the afternoon without suffering from body odor.

Other than that, top bit like Avon perfume spray Haiku / Pur Balanca / Far Away to increase your self-confidence to start your days that are always busy. And it is also one of the ways for us to look beautiful and clean all day. Confidence comes from ourselves. Let us take care of beauty and always take care of yourself wherever we are. Verily, Allah loves those who always take care of her beauty and hygiene. Let us take care of it together.